PCCN practice exam simulator is a free PCCN exam review and prep app for Progressive Care Certified Nurse examination. It is a complete PCCN review to prepare you for actual pccn exam by taking pccn practice exam, studying pccn flashcards and mock test. This application is designed to take pccn review and practice exam on the go without internet on your mobile device. This pccn practice exam prep app record you performance and highlight the weaker area to let you focus on them while studying for pccn exam. All questions are formulated by experts closer to the actual pccn exam.Download NOW..!! Categories: 1. Cardiovascular2. Pulmonary3. Endocrine4. Hematology5. Gastrointestinal6. Renal7. Neurology8. Multisystem9. Behavioral10. EthicsPccn exam prep app will help you acquire information that will help you pass PCCN test with ease. Key features:• Two Study Modes: Flashcard and Practice Test• Detailed Explanation for each question• Feedback: Communicate with the PCCN expertsThe Progressive Care Certified Nurse Exam consists of 125 multiple choice questions. 100 multiple choice questions are scored and 25 multiple choice questions are unscored pretest items which are being tested for future addition of the test. The final scores of the test are calculated by dividing the number of correct answers by the number of questions. The 80% of the exam is made up of Clinical judgment which includes Cardiovascular, endocrine, Hemotology, Gastrointestinal, Renal, Neurology,Multisystem, behavioral. The remaining 20% is professional caring and ethical practice.ImpTrax Corporation is not affiliated with PCCN®.